A few lessons on REST.

I wrote the exercpt towards the bottom of this post in a newsletter a few months ago and when I was going throguh content today, it felt important enough and relevant enough to share again. Today, I slept in until 8am, if you know me, pre-quarantine, by 8am I would be done with my workout, dog walked, breakfast made and on to start my day of work. I tried really hard for the first few weeks of this time to keep that routine - because “I needed it” and what I found was that every morning I snoozed my alarm I would feel like a failure. I couldn’t get up, I couldn’t figure out the workout I wanted to do, I didn’t feel like it.

The weight of the world felt like it was hitting me but I could “push” through like always. Until the alarm went off and 1 snooze turned into an hours worth.

Without meaning to I was setting myself up to fail without LISTENING to what my body was telling me.

My body was talking to me, it said, REST, it said SLOW DOWN, it said, “Jenna, you have the PRIVILEGE to workout later, why are you forcing this on yourself right now if it doesn’t feel right” - after 7 weeks of this. I started to listen. And what I can tell you is this, with a change in expectations, I feel like a winner. I feel more rested, I have more energy and I feel more like me.

IT is a BEAUTIFUL CONCEPT. Listening to your body, understanding it, and then honoring it. This is a mindset shift. It is a process. And it TAKES TIME.

This takes time, it takes lessons to happen over and over again sometimes, but when it happens - it is a BEAUTIFUL THING.

So as promised here is the second half of this email message where I learned this lesson before, just to show you it is OK to give time, time - to understand that you may make the same choice (OR MISTAKE) more than once before you LISTEN - but after some time, and some trust, you will learn. If you want to.

This excerpt from a newsletter sent out: Feb 2020.

About 4 years ago at this point (so really not that long ago) a friend of mine had offerred to do my microblading for my brows (which BTW IS AMAZING, it is essentially semi permanaent tattooing) FOR FREE. This process is now highly saught after and quite pricey - still worth it though. Ok anyways, why did I say no 4 years ago? 

It was NOT because this girl didn't know what she was doing then and it was NOT because I didn't want them done then - it was only because I COULDN'T IMAGINE not exercising for 7-10 days. I WOULD RATHER DO ANYTHING ELSE AT THAT TIME IN MY LIFE THAN GIVE UP MY ROUTINE. Literally that is the reason. I could not imagine something taking me out of my routine and forcing me to slow down. And when I think back on that now, I laugh - cry a little because how sad is that and then also that I spent so much more now LOL BUT, mostly because I wish I knew what I know now. 

Here is what I have found in my 5 days of rest so far. 


My body, my endurance even, my hunger levels, my strength, NOTHINGGGGG.

Except what has changed though is I am even better rested than ever before LOL.

I have walked 10k+ steps everyday - slowly because the issue is I am not allowed to sweat - and if you know me, you know that is IMPOSSIBLE, and I have lifted light weights slow and steady focusing on form and muscle activation! Back in the day I would have never even called these things workouts, I know better now - movement is movement.

I have slowed down. I have relaxed, I have slept in and I am enjoying not washing my hair for a full week LOL! 

The thing is, I am still eating normal - which for me means, when I am hungry! And nothing has changed. My body is still being fed, hydrated and respected. Weight gain doesnt happen from a week of rest when respect and intuition are in place!! But back 4 years ago - the idea of not destroying my body in the gym for hours and hours and hours on end was not something I could wrap my head around - to me, not going meant everything would crumble. And even as an RD and knowing better, I was lost in the confusion and spell that diet and wellness culture cast on me. 

So why am I sharing this with you? 

Because I firmly believe disclosure brings us closer and helps you realize you are not alone. 

Because TIME is such a valuable resource and I dont want you wasting it the way I have. 

And because this is a true story of how ridiculously long a MINDSET CHANGE can take - but it is proof that it can happen. 

Every little itty bitty step, every kind word to yourself, everytime you stop yourself from saying something nasty about yourself, everytime you make a choice to create a good change - you are an itty bitty step closer. JUST KEEP GOING.



Written by Jenna Werner

Hey there, I’m Jenna! I'm a Registered Dietitian, online nutrition coach and serious food lover. I'm ready to help you quit dieting forever and fall in love with the way food makes you feel.

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.




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