personalized nutrition
Reach your goals —
and stay there forever.
You’re unique. Your nutrition should be, too.
You’ve tried every diet, and you’ve had enough. You “know” what to do, but you keep ending up back in the same place.
Something needs to change. But what?
Nutrition is confusing.
Where do you even start unlearning a diet mentality?
How do you learn to make peace with food and trust your body?
You need nutrition support that’s as unique as you are. An experienced guide who can not only help you do this work, but fall in love with the process.
Picture this
You start breaking your food rules without fear, guilt, or shame. One by one, they disappear.
You still eat the foods you love and never compromise your happiness. You start asking yourself, “What do I really WANT to eat?!”
You MAKE PEACE WITH FOOD, once and for all.
You ditch the diet mentality and reconnect to your food preferences.
Food becomes FUN instead of a battleground.
You feel your absolute best.
You love your relationship with food, movement, your body, and yourself.
Sounds pretty good, right?
This is what’s waiting for you on the other side of nutrition coaching with Happy Strong Healthy.™ Our skilled coaches meet you where you are and give you the tools to optimize your happiness and your health.
ready to create
It’s time to:
Quit the cycle of fad dieting once and for all
Learn what your body needs to thrive by eating foods that make you feel your best physically and mentally
Stop starting over every Monday
This takes time. You must be ready to commit to the process, not the outcome. Don’t forget, you’ve been surrounded by diet culture messaging for YEARS.
It takes time and effort to unlearn this stuff.
But you don’t have to do it alone.
Our coaching equips you with the skills & tools you need to truly understand food and what it does for our bodies.
You'll learn to love food for the way it makes you feel and how it nourishes you. Together we’ll work on your winning mindset and create lifelong results.
Ready to meet your new lifestyle?
Finally change your relationship to food and your body — for good.
Get the one-on-one support, accountability, and guidance you need to conquer your health goals! Match with one of our dietitians to unlearn the mess diet culture has taught you. You’ll learn how to fuel and nourish your body, FOR LIFE.
Our dietitians use our 5 Pillars of Wellness to help you create behavior changes that last a lifetime — so you can make peace with food and cultivate lifelong food freedom.
We are a weight-neutral practice, meaning we put your HEALTH, not your weight, first.
*Please Note: If you’re in eating disorder recovery, we have alternative support options for you. Simply fill out the application and we will discuss this option if it pertains to you.
In-network with insurance price: FREE or small copay
Out-of-pocket price: $649/month.
What’s covered by insurance?
Weekly to bi-weekly coaching calls
What else can I add for faster progress?
Uncover patterns and get feedback from your dietitian with access to our interactive food journal.
Remove the guesswork with a custom nutrition guide, including recipes based on your food preferences.
Get a customized, step-by-step roadmap to behavior change based on our 5 pillars of wellness.
Make life easier with grocery shopping guides, nutrition science breakdowns, and body-neutral workout videos with access to our library.
Keep the momentum going with email check-in between calls once when we progress to bi-weekly coaching after month one.
Watch this video and learn how to use your insurance benefits to maximize your support!
90 minutes with Jenna — broken up into 1, 2 or 3 sessions.
Ready to kick start your food freedom journey, but have a lot of questions? This is the perfect starting point if you feel overwhelmed by Google or the thought of a monthly commitment.
Two 45-minute zoom calls
Recipes, customized recommendations, ebooks, or guides that Jenna feels would best support your goals and journey!
Investment: $497
Hear from our Graduates:
Specializing in:
Prenatal Nutrition
Postnatal Nutrition
Breastfeeding Support
Teen Nutrition
Body Image
Healing your relationship with food, fitness, body and self.
Intuitive Eating
Disordered Eating Recovery
Eating Disorder Recovery
General Wellness Recommendations
Sports Nutrition
Nutrition Planning for Runners
Diabetes/Blood Sugar Management
Heart Health

"My relationship with food has completely changed!"
"Jenna has taught me not only that carbs are not the devil, but a way to have a healthy relationship with food. I loved that she gave me so many food options and the knowledge to take what would be an unhealthy meal and transform it into something that tasted amazing and was satisfying. With Jenna’s support and guidance I now have the knowledge to lead a healthy sustainable lifestyle without feeling deprived of everything I love.”
— AG

Application Form
Want to get your insurance benefits checked?
To learn more about the process and get your benefits checked, click here!