Food Satisfaction Factor.

Hi all! Danielle here! I am currently reading the Intuitive Eating book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (if you haven’t read, we highly recommend + the 4th edition was just released!!) and learning so much about my own eating habits, both past and present. One section that truly stuck out to me was the principle:


“Discover the Satisfaction Factor.”

 As quoted from the book: “How many times have you eaten a rice cake when you really wanted potato chips? And how many rice cakes, carrots and apples have you eaten attempting to get the same satisfaction you would have found with a handful of chips”

I want you to think about your own habits, does this sound familiar? I know it does for me. Trying to replace every craving with a “healthier” alternative. Craving a brownie, so ate low sugar 100 calorie brownie bites thinking it would do the trick – but it didn’t. 

 I had a fear that If I gave into my cravings I would gain weight. When in reality I consumed more calories in “healthy” and low calorie alternatives than I would’ve if I just allowed myself to eat the real deal. Not to mention the fact that I did not achieve pleasure from my meals. 

“If you truly feel satisfied with your eating experience, you will find that you eat far less food.” 

So how do we achieve satisfaction from our food choices? 

Believe it or not, we actually have all of the skills within us to achieve this. Try to figure out what you feel like having. Add some time to THINK about what you want and what your body is asking for, instead of trying to trick it. Salty or sweet? Hot or cold? Are you in a mood for a big meal or a smaller snack? Ever have an intense craving for something? Respond to it and act upon it. Just try it out and see what happens. I promise you, when ALL foods are allowed and you do not restrict “unhealthy” options, you will notice the cravings are less intense. You will feel confident having just some ice cream and saving the rest for another day. (Unlike the “cheat day” mentality we see often).

Now that might sound scary, trust me I know. But you will not be craving ice cream or French fries every day of your life. Satisfy your craving. Enjoy the portion that “hits the spot” without getting uncomfortably full. Notice how the food makes you feel now, without worrying about previous food rules or fear of eating too much. Pay attention to the moment when you transition from eating for hunger and satisfaction to eating because the food is in front of you. Eat with intention, not on auto pilot. 

If you are not satisfied with what you are eating, it will be hard to stop eating when you are full and you will be on the prowl for more.  

“letting yourself enjoy food will actually result in self-limiting”

Your environment matters almost as much as the food you are eating. Ever eat dinner while doing work on your computer and before you know it the plate is clean and you don’t even remember what the food even tasted like. Mindlessly eating without savoring the meal. There are reasons why we enjoy eating at restaurants, one being that we feel more pleasure from the meal due to the ambiance around us. You can set the scene at home by removing yourself from distractions and sitting down for your meal. 

Understand that each day may look different, sometimes a fresh salad is the most appetizing, and other days it is not. When you give yourself permission to eat all foods, you will feel more in control than ever. Try to figure out your eating style and what a satisfying plate looks like for you.

For example, I am a volume eater. The more food, the better. I like my plates to look full and I enjoy the process and physical act of eating. For example- a cheese burger on a bun would not be nearly as satisfying to me as a burger on a plate with potatoes, veggies, and a side salad. Another example would be that protein bars do not satisfy me, I eat a protein bar in 4 bites and then I am looking for more food. As compared to a serving of popcorn where I am enjoying the snack for a longer period of time and feel much more satisfied after the fact. Smoothies don’t satisfy me – but a smoothie bowl with crunchy granola and nuts that I have to chew is another story. You get the point right?  

This is what I learned about myself. Maybe you are similar, or maybe you are nothing like me. Either way, you need to discover what makes you satisfied. What do you need to eat to walk away from the table feeling full, energized, and HAPPY. 

 And I will leave you with my favorite motto from this chapter: 

“If you don’t love it, don’t eat it, and if you love it, savor it”



Written by Danielle Musto

Hey there, I’m Danielle! HSH’s Office Manager and RD-to-be! I love food, fitness and having fun with both. I’m super excited to be here with you sharing all the ways I love to make food FUN!

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.

Danielle Musto

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