A Discussion on Diets + Avocados.
A weird connection I know, but join me for a quick chat!
I am unsure if you follow me on TikTok or not, if you don’t come join the fun (@happystronghealthy.rd) , anyways, this week on there I discussed some pretty popular diets and why I disagree with them. My GAWDDD did the comment section go WILD.
I want this to be SO CRYSTAL CLEAR. I am not anti-person desiring to change their body, I am FULLY ANTI-DIET in order to do so. Diet = restriction, harmful behaviors, disordered eating promotions, rules and unhealthy cycles.
The harmful impact that dieting can have on your physical and mental health and the long term impact it can have on your relationship with food is something I cannot support.
With that said, a lot of people ask for recommendations on what DOES work, if I “claim” dieting does not. I hear you. A focus on health promoting behaviors will always be my answer, working on improving your HEALTH and your healthy relationship with food can yield change physically but will always yield change mentally - and that is huge.
I am currently reading and listening to Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison. It is changing my life and if you have any questions on some of what I was referring to about why dieting SUCKS, Christy drops some serious knowledge and education and stone cold FACTS to support it all in this book.
When I say these things on tiktok and when I post on IG and make comments about diets not working I get HUNDREDS of people coming at me attacking the statements. But, try this this time - read and internalize why this is bringing up so much anger for you.
Is it because it is something you truly believe in and you feel you can do it for life and you feel amazing doing it and not restricted at all? Then AWESOME, I am thrilled for you.
Is it because you are being defensive and just tired of things “not working” and want to believe this will?
If that is you, I want you to know the diet is set up to fail you.
The diet is created to keep you coming back.
The diet is set up to make you feel hurt so you will keep purchasing.
The diet doesn’t care how you feel only how you want to “look” - is that something you want to keep pouring your money and TIME in to?
YOU dont need that diet anymore. I know it is tough to swallow but I promise it will change your life forever.
Great Question. When I was researching a diet that uses points to track and restrict intake for its participants, I learned that a food with healthy fat like salmon or egg has 0 points but an avocado with some of the same nutrients and more micronutrients has like 5 points per portion?! I took this to social media and learned that their reasoning is that you are more likely to overeat avocado than salmon? I just don’t understand the rational. It confused me and left me unnerved but hey, we all only have a finite amount of energy to spare so I didn’t waste too much of it on this nonsense.
INSTEAD. I remembered that someone from Love One Today (referring to avocados) sent me some awesome avocado facts and I want to share them with you so if you are on this diet you start ENJOYING THIS FOOD. Because it is so yummy and so good for you and food is so yummy and should be enjoyed and loved.
Avocado Info:
They fill you up inside. Avocados are a good source of fiber, which adds bulk to the diet and can help you feel fuller. Just one-third of an avocado contains 3 grams of dietary fiber which can help improve digestion + heart health. They also contain nearly 20 nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and are a great source of healthy fat which is so important for our hormones and many other functions!
They’re low maintenance. Fresh avocados don’t need to be refrigerated in transit or even once they get to your home. Unripe, firm or green avocados can be kept at room temperature until desired ripeness.
They’re ready quickly. To speed up the ripening process, simply enclose your avocados in a brown paper bag with an apple or banana for 2-3 days.
But they’ll also wait for you. Ripe, uncut avocados can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, which helps delay the ripening process.
They’re forgiving. If you have cut open your fresh avocado and found it to be unripe, sprinkle the exposed flesh of the avocado with lemon or lime juice, place the two halves back together and cover tightly with clear plastic wrap before placing in the refrigerator. No one will ever know.
They’ll surprise you. Fun fact: Avocados, like many other fruits, can be frozen. Puree them to make a creamy avocado spinach and artichoke spread or even a Avocado Chocolate Mousse for a dreamy date night treat. Check out this new handy step-by-step guide on how to freeze avocados starting with how to select ripe/ready to eat avocados to prepare for freezing. Frozen avocados are a creamy and nutritious addition to smoothies and a great way to add more fiber and nearly 20 vitamins and minerals to the diet.
Not ready to commit? If you’re not ready to reach for the whole bag, select a few at different levels of ripeness so you can spread the love evenly for each of your snacks. Here’s a guide to avocado perfection.
Information shared + edited from https://loveonetoday.com/
Love you all and care way too much about you for you to waste anymore time on diets that suck your energy and happiness!
HSH is here for you!
Written by Jenna Werner
Hey there, I’m Jenna! I'm a Registered Dietitian, online nutrition coach and serious food lover. I'm ready to help you quit dieting forever and fall in love with the way food makes you feel.
Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.
February is American Heart Month, and as a registered dietitian, I want to share my secret heart-healthy tip with you: consider adding Florida Orange Juice to your daily routine!