Let's Talk About SLEEP.

Sleep is SO important for just about everything in our lives.

We ALL need it.

Literally, there is nothing we mean more than this. Do we have your attention?!

The more science uncovers about sleep, the more we see just how imperative it is for our health, longevity, focus, happiness, fitness the list goes on and on. As a side note, the book: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, is an amazing read to hear some of these details and studies. The book BLEW our minds.

In these weird uncertain times filled with unknowns, work from home, school from home, LIFE from home, everyone’s routine has been disrupted- and a healthy sleep schedule is no exception to this. We have heard from clients and friends and family that sleep has been either disrupted, off pattern and more difficult for some.

So, we are here to help.

The question has to be, what CAN we control during this stressful times to IMPROVE our sleep schedules?

Here is what we came up with for you.




Hi! I’m Liz, Intern at HSH and I’m SO happy you’re here! I am a current nutrition student, food fanatic, fitness lover- and hopeful RD to be. I can’t wait to connect and share all things food, fitness and feeling great just as YOU are!

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


Cookies, Muffins & More! The HSH Way.


Quarantined for the Upcoming Holidays? Us too!