Why Rest is so Important, yet so Hard.

This topic is so near and dear to my heart.

Addressing and mending my personal relationship with fitness and rest specifically took a very long time and required me to really address the fact that my relationship with fitness was not as “healthy” as I perhaps thought it was.

It is true, that too much of a good thing - is no longer good for you. And when it comes to health and fitness - that is absolutely correct.

But, what we believe in so strongly here at Happy Strong Healthy - is that when you understand the EDUCATION and the SCIENCE behind the statements, it is easier to digest and apply.

So let’s discuss.

Facts about Rest:

  • Too much of a good thing can become not so good for us, fitness included (mentally + physically)

  • Regular breaks/rest days allow muscles to rebuild and repair and also GROW!

  • Rest promotes a healthy realtionship with fitness + prevents burnout and fatigue

  • Rest reduces the risk of injury

  • Rest improves performance!

  • Rest days can help with hormone balance and promote better sleep.

Why Rest is SO HARD:

  • Fitness can be really fun!! And missing a workout could mean missing a class with your favorite coach or your friends - I get it, I was there once!

  • We have been conditioned to believe fitness is the only way to burn off steam or stress (this is not true - it can be PART of your regimen but not your only tool)

  • Anxiety can rise on days you are not "moving"

  • But - walking leisurly can happen daily, and should! And this counts as movement and is often too far overlooked.

What you can do if you find rest really challenging:

  • Start by journaling about your relationship with fitness, why do you workout? What is your why? Is it MORE than changing something physical about yourself?

  • Write out what your stress management tools in your tool box are. Are there multiple options for you?

  • Remember fitness is for mental and physical purposes - is your mental health being truly taken care of with your regimen?

  • You are not alone, rest can be hard to do! But it is a goal to work towards.

Other recovery tips or areas to focus on:

  • NUTRITION: EATING CONSISTENTLY and specifically post workout AND ON REST DAYS is so necessary for adequate recovery! A balanced and nutrient dense, non restrictive diet is key and utilizing supplements for efficiency and preference is important! Supplements can save time and stress when used properly.

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  • SLEEP: Making sure you are getting restful sleep is also so important, when we sleep we RECOVER! Getting adequate (7-8hrs when able) is so key! If you can’t control your sleep (hello parents I see you!) make sure you are prioritizing it when and where you can!

  • STRESS MANAGEMENT: As mentioned, fitness cannot be your only stress mangement tool, on rest days what do you do to manage stress or set your day up for success? What tools are you using? Reading, podcasts, meditation, breath work, stretching, journaling? What works best for you?

  • HYDRATION: STAY CONSISTENT every day of the week.

  • GENTLE MOVEMENT: On those rest days, go out for a stroll! Leave the step tracker at home and listen to music or a podcast and walk for fresh air not for distance.

Wait wait, did you notice those recovery points were all 5 of our pillars?! Wowieeee we are on to something here!!

As my friends at @up2unutrition say so well: “without rest there is no recovery and without recovery there is no progress” - apply that to EVERYTHING!!

Please note UP2U links are affiliate links, Jenna works with UP2U nutrition to spread the word about their products and brand. As always Jenna only works with and shares brands she actually loves and trusts!



Written by Jenna Werner

Hey there, I’m Jenna! I'm a Registered Dietitian, online nutrition coach and serious food lover. I'm ready to help you quit dieting forever and fall in love with the way food makes you feel.

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


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