Top 5 takeaways going into my 25th year!

5 of my BIG thoughts about turning 25


It’s kind of crazy that, like many, this will be my second “covid” birthday. And for some reason, 25 just feels like a really big year! It’s made me reflect on my past self and what I want for my future self. And of course, for some reason I truly think this all ties into being intuitive. Not just being intuitive with food, but life in general! So, for anyone out there, regardless of your age, I hope some of these thoughts resonate with you.


1.             Stop taking everything so seriously. 

    • IDK if this is a me problem, but after talking with friends, family and even my therapist about this I think it’s safe to say that so many of us need to chill out sometimes. It can wait, whatever it is that you’re worried about.

2.             Food freedom is literally the best thing ever.

    • I can’t believe there was ever a time that I questioned if improving my relationship with food would be “worth it.” I don’t make many promises, but I can promise you, that it is indeed worth it.

3.             Eating without your phone around is really great. 

    • This one’s self-explanatory. I love to share my meals, but eating without my phone just hits different.

4.             Starting your day slowly rocks. 

    • AKA stop forcing a workout first thing. If you like that, obviously continue to do so, but you don’t need to feel bad for sleeping in, enjoying your coffee and putting movement off till later.

5.             There is no timeline… for anything 

    • Let life happen. This is the age where I feel like everyone is at different places. There is no “right” place. There’s just you and what seems right for YOU. I really think this goes for any age. I’ve had clients say to me “but I am too old to learn to be intuitive now.” To which I respond, “who said that?!!”



I feel really GOOD about turning 25. It’s kind of crazy how living intuitively and teaching about intuitive eating has kind of bled into all areas of my life, but it’s the most beautiful thing ever. It’s something I want for every single person regardless of age. We all deserve this kind of happiness. 



Twenty five- I am ready for YA! 


Written by Lauren Smith

Hey, I'm Lauren! I’m a Registered Dietitian at Happy Strong Healthy. I believe nutrition should add to the fullness of your life and make you feel empowered and confident!

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


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