Spring forward with these 3 tips that are guaranteed to make a positive impact!

Spring has sprung!

New season - same diet culture BS.

Spring is full of more time outside, warm sunshine, new fun dishes to grill, enjoying meals outdoors with family and friends, and unfortunately a SLEW of people on social media preaching that it is time to “get your body ready for summer” or “lose quarantine weight”. There’s been this new wave in diet culture to, “return to your pre-quarantine weight” as life slowly but steadily reaches a new normal. THIS IS TOTAL NONSENSE! I am here to remind you, that you are you, and the number on the scale does NOT change that. The past year of everyone’s life has been far from normal and you have been through A LOT. How about instead of being pressured to change our bodies after this year, we THANK them. Your body brought you through a year of upheaval, a new routine, a new nearly everything. It is very easy to become discouraged when this message is everywhere on social media, TV, etc. When you find yourself in these moments, here are 3 easy steps to reground, regroup, and remind yourself just who YOU are. 

1.     POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS- Thank your body, OUT LOUD, in a mirror, in a car, in any spare moment to acknowledge just how far your body as brought you this year, physically and emotionally. You have showed yourself you are so much stronger than you ever thought- create space to ACKNOWLEDGE that!

2.     SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE THAT MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD- when you are feeling JOYFUL and CONFIDENT, I challenge you to check in and acknowledge 3 things- the people you are with, the actions you are doing (not doing), the space you’re in. Find your happy places, and stay in them. 

3.     CLEANSE YOUR SOCIALS- Don’t sleep on this one! The content you absorb every day makes an impact, and it should be a positive one! Social media is built to connect and unite us- but it has a flip side that tends to do just the opposite. Just like we outgrow relationships, there may be certain accounts, brands, people, etc., that no longer align with your core values, or are preaching diet culture ideas,- hit the unfollow to allow your social media to be a SAFE space for your mind, not a harmful one.


These simple steps are small, but effective when facing change, both physical and emotional. It’s not always easy, and feelings are great, because they are what make us human. But acknowledge your feelings of doubt, allow them space, and then move on from them. Spring is a time of rebirth- and allow that to translate into all you do.


Happy April HSH!!!



Hi! I’m Liz, Intern at HSH and I’m SO happy you’re here! I am a current nutrition student, food fanatic, fitness lover- and hopeful RD to be. I can’t wait to connect and share all things food, fitness and feeling great just as YOU are!

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.

Danielle Musto

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