The Dangers of Over Exercising

It is common for us to believe that doing more of something good can only benefit us more. However, that is not always the case..

So here’s the deal- much like nutrition, physical activity is not one-size fits all. While there are national guidelines for physical activity or working out, each body, each person, is SO incredibly different. People’s genes, lifestyles, accessibilities, health status, a whole multitude of reasons, should determine how active, or not active they are. Diet culture has unfortunately done a great job instilling fear in people that they either aren’t moving their bodies enough, but never that they are pushing their bodies beyond what their bodies (and minds) can handle. There is an endless plague of diet culture telling the world that in order to effectively work out we need to push and push and completely exhaust ourselves to have an “effective” workout. “Effective” by their standards meaning à CHANGING our bodies, not embracing movement for simply what it is, moving our bodies. Here are some helpful ways to identify when you may be overexercising, as well as the health effects that go with it.

    When it comes to over-exercise, something important to consider is the stress exercise induces on our bodies. Contrary to popular belief, there is a healthy amount of stress our body should maintain. The body releases the hormone cortisol in response to stress. Cortisol is good in appropriate levels. However, when our body is already under extreme amounts of stress, aka too much cortisol, exercise only increases this. Excess cortisol levels lead to sleep disruption, heightened blood pressure, moods swings, and decreased energy levels.

consequences of too much exercise:

         - Fatigue

         - Mood swings / irritability

         - Trouble sleeping

         - Weakened immunity

         - Injuries resulted from overuse

         - Muscle and joint discomfort

Many of these, sound like things that in the past, you have probably been told to “push through”. But, these symptoms are our bodies’ way of communicating to us that our body is in overdrive and it is time to rest. In fact, your workouts become MORE effective when your body has been properly fueled and rested and can perform the way it is meant to. Burn out is real. Rest days are essential for health as well as performance. Give yourself permission to take days off of your fitness routine. Do what feels right for YOU.  Rest can be a day, a few days, a week, etc. Diet culture has scared the world into thinking too much rest will result in, your body changing, being “unhealthy”, etc. Find JOY in your movement, not dread, and actively check-in with your mind and body and ask yourself- what is it I actually need today. It could be a rest day, a run day, a walk day, a class day- but it should always be a whatever you want day.



Hi! I’m Liz, Intern at HSH and I’m SO happy you’re here! I am a current nutrition student, food fanatic, fitness lover- and hopeful RD to be. I can’t wait to connect and share all things food, fitness and feeling great just as YOU are!

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


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