Blender Banana Squash Chocolate Chip Muffins

A mouthful to say but honestly, a delight to make due to the fact that they are basically all made inside a blender!

Honestly, I have been struggling to feed my toddler breakfast - he seems to all of a sudden have a ton of opinions on food and it’s rough. SO my intention was to make something with familiar foods (he loves muffins!) and some extra nutrients. In the process of crafting these I realized what a perfect breakfast or snack they would be for my husband and I too!

I love that they are all basically done in a blender and I LOVE that for any of you who hate on cottage cheese, you won’t even know it’s in there AND it’s adding in like 20g of protein!!

A few things you could also add to this recipe to switch it up:

  • you could do shredded carrots instead of the squash or in addition to!

  • you can do zucchini instead of squash - I wanted a color he couldn’t see LOL

  • you can add chia seeds or hemp seeds or flax seeds

  • you can swap out cottage cheese and swap in Greek yogurt

  • you can add coconut flakes

  • you can def add pumpkin to these too!

Nutrient benefits of this recipe:

  • High protein

  • High fiber

  • Contains veggies and fruits

  • Loaded with flavor

They are delish. I wish I could say my toddler ate them, he was SO excited but then the luster wore off - however, I LOVED THEM!

Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Watch the original TikTok HERE!

Get your unflavored whey from UP2U for 15% off with code: UP2UJENNAW



Written by Jenna Werner

Hey there, I’m Jenna! I'm a Registered Dietitian, online nutrition coach and serious food lover. I'm ready to help you quit dieting forever and fall in love with the way food makes you feel.

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


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