Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies

A carrot cake breakfast cookie, does it get better than this? 

It can be a struggle to get in multiple food groups for breakfast. Having multiple food groups in your breakfast and any meal will allow the energy from the food you are eating to last! These cookies have complex carbohydrates, protein, fruit, veggies, and fat that all work together to help you feel satisfied and ready to take on the day. Another factor to consider when eating breakfast is how the meal will make us feel emotionally and mentally. Having foods and flavors you ENJOY eating can make us feel mentally and emotionally satisfied. On top of this the micronutrients that you add will help to strengthen your immune system.

These cookies will have your body, mind, and soul satisfied! Let me know how you like them! 

Watch the original TikTok HERE!



Written by Jenna Werner

Hey there, I’m Jenna! I'm a Registered Dietitian, online nutrition coach and serious food lover. I'm ready to help you quit dieting forever and fall in love with the way food makes you feel.

Learn more about me and the HSH offerings here.


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