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Mindset, Body Image Jenna Werner Mindset, Body Image Jenna Werner

What is Body Image?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see, objectively, a body with all of its parts, ready to show up and provide you with movement, safety, and comfort? Or, do you pick apart specific areas, desiring to be ‘more toned’, ‘leaner’, or ‘smaller’?

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Nutrition, Body Image, Mindset Jenna Werner Nutrition, Body Image, Mindset Jenna Werner

Food Freedom For The Holidays

If you’re reading this, it means you are ready for CHANGE. You don’t want to feel the same food obsession and discomfort in your body that you have in previous years. You want a holiday season focused on connection with family and friends, enjoying food, and feeling great in your body. If that’s the case, keep reading!

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Nutrition Jenna Werner Nutrition Jenna Werner

Is Dairy Bad For You?

I love to bust myths about nutrition. When it comes to REAL DAIRY, there tends to be a lot of misinformation out there, I hope you find this blog helpful so you can be armed with education supported by research next time you come across content that claims one of these myths to be true.

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Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner Nutrition, Mindset Jenna Werner

Set Point Theory: Explained!

Scientific research has shown that the average person’s set point range varies from about ten to twenty pounds. There is no magic wand that we can wave to determine this point, and there is no spell that can change it. Instead, this theory requires that we turn inwards, listening to our body and its natural cues.

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